...and I WILL be purchasing that slightly weird but awesome Beethoven (or Mortimer) Bust Candle. Hear you me.

Blu Dot Real Good Chair
So, I'll go ahead and add to that conversation that I won't be purchasing books from Target (sorry). That's one item that I'll leave to the independent and used sellers. There's nothing like the feeling of shopping in a local bookstore. Barnes and Noble, you just don't cut it. There was a great story tonight on Jim Lehrer about the publishing industry. Y'all should definitely check it out before you rush to buy your new Kindle (no thanks).
In other news (and I'm full of it tonight), my desktop wallpaper is going through quick changes these days. From beautiful photos from Ken Burns's "The National Parks," to National Geographic's photo contest, to a new Design*Sponge wallpaper today from Camilla Engman. Camilla's gorgeous wallpaper is the newest one to adorn my beloved desktop. Check 'em all out at Design*Sponge. Happy Monday (I'm sick and am trying to be as positive as possible).
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