We're moving into a new (new to us, at least) home at the end of this month. I have high hopes for our new dwelling place! I've been hooked on numerous design blogs now for quite awhile and have been drooling over the beautiful homes of the folks that post on
Design*Sponge and
Apartment Therapy. There are fantastic ideas on those blogs that I dream of recreating from inexpensive materials salvaged from thrift stores around
my city. I have these moments of design epiphany that last only a few precious moments and then fade away into inspiration obscurity. This is why I've created this blog! My memory is horrible, but online is forever. Thank you, internet. Here are some vows I have made to myself for our upcoming move:
1. Petrochemicals in household cleaners are not safe and not renewable. Make your own cleaners from inexpensive and safe ingredients at home.
Design*Sponge has some great advice!
2. Hit up the local Goodwill. When I find a project or idea that strikes my fancy, don't head straight to Target or Ikea. The Goodwill is closer to my new house, much cheaper than buying new, and more earth-friendly. Remember.
3. Buy in bulk. I love the smell of the spice rack at my local grocery. Find some empty baby food jars and store spices in bulk. Make creative labels and decorate the lids.
4. Look at clothes that inspire me in a new light. I am currently immersed in a love affair with my sewing machine. I hope that this is a relationship that lasts a long, long time. I can get creative with second hand clothing and add a ruffle here or a pleat there to make the old new and unique.
5. My home is MINE (and my husbands' and my cats'). Don't be afraid to infuse the different personalities of our household into our decor. Design blogs are inspiring and beautiful, but I need to remain true to my crazy self. I need to keep this in mind but also... KEEP IT SIMPLE, SWEETIE!! My hoarding days need to come to an end.
Okay, that's enough to work on for now! These will be nice reminders for me every time I log in (I hope). I've finished day 1, week 2 of my Couch to 5k running plan. Week 2 is harder but I'm feeling more excited about running than I have before. This is a good thing! Couch to 5k can also become my Learn to Love Running (After a Lifetime of Hating It) plan.
I also made some killer zucchini bread this week. I'll have to post pictures when my computer is back from the Mac-ER.